Anyone here waiting to hear from CSUS Sac State?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I am! I'm feeling pretty confident but I know last semester was the most competitive yet. I'd venture to say this one will be even worse! We have 9 more days to wait. Anyone with me?

for search purposes: California State University of Sacramento BSN

There must be someone! =)

Good luck! CSUS is a competitive program to apply to. I applied to CSUS fall '06 and spring '07. Both times I was somewhere around #70 on the alternate list. I did however, get accepted to San Jose State this spring (with the same grades). So if you don't make it, consider trying other programs.

well congrats on getting in at san jose! are you enjoying it? i had a friend last semester who was one point under the cutoff for sac state. it was pretty devastating since that was the only place she applied, single mom, late 40s.

i'm starting to get a bit nervous as the 14th approaches. i got a 95.9 on the teas and i figured my gpa (based on their past 30 + any other pre-requisites point system) to be about 3.85. i don't have a foreign language or work experience for those extra points though. i'm really hoping my other numbers will get me in. cross your fingers for me! =)

It seems like you have a good chance. That is a great score for the TEAS and high GPA. I also didn't have health care experience or a second language. San Jose didn't require either of those. It is funny how even though both schools are in the CSU system, they have different criteria for the applications. Good luck!!

Thanks! 4 more days!

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