The Wait.....

Nursing Students SRNA


I don't know if it is me....and maybe it is, but I find myself just....I don't know for lack of a better word losing interest in a lot of things work related as I wait for school to start. Not to say that I am compromising patient care at all, because I am still a great nurse (not too toot my own horn or anything), but I just am losing interest in things that would have had me a little worked up before. If I don't get the days I requested, or if someone really upsets me I am more know what it doesn't even matter because in a couple of months I won't be here anymore. I don't dread work...but it is getting a little harder to get up and go in every night. Especially since the weather is getting nicer and that SPRING FEVER is kicking in. As MD's give me stupid orders and I hear people complain about trivial stuff I am almost excited to know that I have an escape that is rapidly approaching.

I know that starting school will have all kinds of stressors of it's own, but for some reason the thought of getting out of "bedside nursing" and into something new is exciting for me. How is everyone else feeling as they approach their start date in 2006, or others who have already started but remember that feeling. I start in August and have decided that I am not working in the month of July at all so I can pack and tie up some loose ends before I move etc. Is this nonchalant, for lack of a better word, feeling something you guys are experiencing also? It may be because I started at another place recently, and I am not too crazy about the facility. I am interested in hearing your responses.

I feel exactly the same. Thankfully, most days they have me training for some new stuff, which gives me something to focus on. My nurse manager almost made me stop training when I informed her of my acceptance, which would have been terrible, especially considering I'm almost done. I'm planning a couple of weekend trips this summer, but how do y'all afford to take a month off?? Finances are so tight right now, I'm asking for overtime! (my husband is currently a grad student, so he only works p/t). And I think the wait would seem even longer if there wasn't work to pass the days...

As far as going on a is just an expense I saved up for. Some of the best advice that my friends in programs told me was to go somewhere fun and enjoy that time. Don't worry about the money you spend that you could have saved because in the whole scheme of things without a j-o-b you will always need more money. I paid off my credit cards and I don't have any kids so that helped out a lot. Even if you don't go somewhere huge take some time to look back on with your family. That way when you are up studying late and getting frustrated with all of the work you are doing you can think back to that time you had before school started. We'll have to see how this theory works...LOL. As for me, I will be sailing the seas to Jamaica and the Grand Caymans then one more week of work after that and I AM DONE!!! Wow that light at the end of this tunnel just got real's that second tunnel that has me worried :)!!

I guess it helps once you're a little closer to quitting your job! I'm so jealous! I wish I could take more time off but I am feeling guilty about leaving my job just 1 week before school starts! Ahh what a precious week it will be!

Specializes in critical care.

The wait is a jumbled bunch of emotions...Loans, moving and excitement.I have been experiencing moments of extreme meltdown at work though..Five Code blues in the past 6 shifts...I chose to go to the night shift to mellow out a bit.Remember why I like nursing. I feel tired but, at least my brain can go to cruise control for a little while.Change feels good and knowing things will get better is always a big help.I work nights right now to help make more money for school and think about how many shifts I have left as a nurse in the ICU. Life is good!!:lol2:

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