St. Margarets Nursing School

U.S.A. Pennsylvania


I plan to apply to St. Margarets SON (Pittsburgh Pa) next spring. I currently have a 3.7 GPA at CCAC with 2 classes to go before all of my pre-reqs are complete. I was wondering how hard it is to get into their program, and what current students thoughts were on the school.

Hey you better stop putting your chickens DOWN before they hatch! You may still make it into the Feb program, your gonna be all set for a break before starting nursing school and then your gonna find out that they want you front and center lol.

HAHAH I hope soo!!! PRAYYYY!!!! It's the wait thats killing me!! I figure if I am hard on myself than I can't be let down right? Horrible strategy I guess!

Nah, disappointment sucks! I am a 24 year old stay at home mom of three, so I am constantly on edge about something. You'll get used to being hard on yourself real quick, it's what keeps me going. lol

Wow I am 25 with no kids and trying to support myself lol..I am proud of you..I don't know how you do it!! I hope you will get a lot of support while attending school ! Good for you!!

I did find out what the deal was with the review date. They are in the process of changing around the process just recently they had changed to the reviewing every 3 months, it used to be the reviewed every month. They do want to make it fair, and not have the class filled and good applicants not get in just because someone that may not have been as good got an application in sooner. What I was told is that because of that they pretty much are making the July review/acceptance into more of an "early admission" so really, your application would have been reviewed, and a lot were.....but majority were then set aside to looked at again in the september reveiw. Seems they are transitioning to more a standard admission process then a true rolling admission. I didn't ask about what they were looking for to accept in July, but if they told you they wanted all the pre/co req classes to be finished, that may have been one of the things they wanted to admit in July. That does exclude the majority of applicants, since if they were planning on being done with those classes by summer, they could have applied for the June class and already been started. As far as I know there are were only a handful of people already accepted for feb, and I am pretty sure they are ones that were done and could have started in June, but were too late. I know its a pain to have to wait so long to hear.......less then 2 months drove me nuts....but don't count yourself out. Are your grades strong? Your test scores? Your references? Do you have a good life experience/work/school history? If so you stand just as good of a chance as anyone and will likely get in.

Wow thank you for the update you put my mind at ease! I have great recommendations and a strong essay. My GPA is 3.0 which I know isn't the best but its not bad. I'm 25 and have worked at the hospital for the past 5 years and gained a lot of life experience from that too. I am nervous about when I first started college my grades weren't so great but I have since then retook the courses and got A's in them. I made sure to mention that in my essay. I am just going to focus on this last semester which is only AP2 and hope for the best! :) I know that no matter what it will eventually happen.

So have you heard yet?

Kay, I feel that are strangely alike. I took shady sides test and got about the same scores. I just applied to the program for Feb. I called the other day and Carol told me they still have openings. I am extremely nervous. the only classes I have left that I am currently taking are ap2 and English 2. Ill be 24 next month and I want to get started asap. I am having troubles passing ccacs pax test. I've always liked the st marg program the best. I hope for good news for you! And I am hoping I hear from them soon, even though I just applied today.

Sorry I haven't been on here in awhile. No I still haven't heard yet :( I called Wednesday and she said she wasen't sure if they were really able to meet on the 22nd but the letters should be mailed out by the end of the month! @ jguy how long did it take you to get your letter after they reviewed your application? @steelerslove39 I love the username !! I have never taken the PAX at ccac but I think I might try and take it if I don't get into St Mar. The competition is tough there are more and more students applying every year it seems! What is hard about the PAX is it much different from the PSB? They are in the process of changing their whole admission process so far its been almost a 5 month wait for an answer. Seems like it has been forever. I hope that you hear back much sooner than I have had to wait. Keep in mind that since u just applied if there aren't enough seats in the Feb class they may admit you to the June class. I applied on May 12th so I hope I haven't waited this long for the answer to be "rejected." I can only leave it in Gods hands now because whatever is meant to happen will happen!

Good luck with everything I hope we both get it that would be awesome!!

I dont know how long it took me to hear. Didnt know when the review date was when mine was looked at, just knew when i got the letter.

still no word :( .........

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