On the job CNA training in or near Pittsburgh

U.S.A. Pennsylvania


Hey! I'm a current caregiver and I was looking to expand my career and go to school to become a CNA. I recently found out that school isn't necessary, because there are nursing homes and such around that offer on the job training to become a CNA! I've done some research on which home around me offer this service. But I haven't had too much luck! I was wondering if anyone has done this and maybe has a little more information for me! If anyone knows of any places in Pittsburgh that does offer this training and would be kind enough to list them, that would be amazing! Thank u so much!

Around Pittsburgh UPMC's nursing homes does CNA training. Their locations are: Canterbury Place in Lawrenceville, Cranberry Place in Cranberry, Heritage Place in Squirrel Hill, Seneca place in Penn Hills, Sherwood Oaks in Cranberry and Sugar Creek Station in Franklin. If you go to the career part of the UPMC site and search CNA trainee it will show you where they are training, but I do think they ask for a certain amount of service afterwords or you need to pay back the cost(I think they told me 12 months full time service at my interview). CCAC also has CNA training, but you would need to pay for it($900). Other then that call to nursing homes near you and see if they are willing to train or pay for training. You can also try to apply as a Patient Care Tech or Nursing Assistant in a hospital. They provide training very similar and beyond what a CNA would receive.

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