Anyone accepted to Roxborough Memorial SON?

U.S.A. Pennsylvania


Hello, I recently found out that I was accepted for August 1 start. :heartbeat Is there anyone else out there? I think I am 95% sure that i will be attending but this is the only school I heard back from so far. Just wanted to talk with some of you to piece some of the info together! :lol2:

It was definitely rough. You have no social life whatsoever. You may have some kind of life now, but once you get to second year.. its basically gone until graduation. 101 & 102 are the easiest. In first year, 103 is the hardest. You start all the patho on all of the disease, and so much more is expected of you. You get more information and the information is way more difficult than anything in fundamentals. If i remember correctly its the intro to cardiac and respiratory stuff, which is continued in a lot more detail in 202. Clinical starts every week instead of every other, and you do a lot more paperwork with a lot more medications. If you make it through 103, 104 is a little easier because its 5 weeks of med surg and 5 weeks of psych. Psych is kind of a breather for everyone but you still have to study, and the medsurg content isnt really too hard. 104 is just like 103, but 103 is so much different than the first 2 terms which is what makes it so difficult, its a huge adjustment. Second year is ridiculous. I remember my first day of 201 with *****. Her lectures are HUGE. you are literally in class basically every single day all day. Most days go until 2 or 3 oclock, sometimes longer. Every term of second year is difficult because more is expected of you. ****gives a lot of content, but she is very helpful and tells you mostly what you need to know. They say 202 is the hardest, but I didn't find one to be easier than the other. 202 definitely isn't easy though. It's a lot of cardiac and a lot of respiratory and you have to remember all of the meds taught to you from 103. Clinical does get more fun though because you learn to do more.


Thanks Maria Nicole! Does *****teach 201 & 202? Did *****teach 103 for you? She will be for us how was she?:lol2:

Hey everyone! I was accepted to Roxborough starting this August, 2012. Can you first year students tell me what a typical school day is like? What time does class start? How late are you in class until? Are you finding school difficult? I am so excited but definitely nervous.

Hey everyone! I was accepted to Roxborough starting this August, 2012. Can you first year students tell me what a typical school day is like? What time does class start? How late are you in class until? Are you finding school difficult? I am so excited but definitely nervous.

Hi Madzy, and congrats to you!:yeah:Well from August-December you will have lecture beginning at 0830-whatever time it says on your schedule. It varies. That's pretty much everyday with maybe one day off during the week. You also have clinical 2 days a week from 0700-1500/1530 you will alternate between clinical and lab weeks lab is 0730-1500. Its moderately difficult. Stay on top of your studying! At least 3-4 nights a week. Karen is the fundamentals teacher and she is awesome sauce! She really knows how to simplify the info. You will be fine just take a few deep breaths and relax because you are in for a long ride. We are on break now finishing up clinical and evaluations we come back in Jan for the 2nd half of our first year. We'll meet next year hopefully they do buddies with Seniors and freshman to help ease the transition and we'll be seniors next year:heartbeat:redbeathe:heartbeat:redbeathe! Oh and if you haven't used a recorder before get one it helps and from the first day get there early to get a seat in the front and pretty much after that everyone stays in the seat they had before:)

Thank you so much for talking about how your year went so far. Its helping me calm down a little and being prepared for whats to come this fall.

Jayden, Congrats for getting this far! you can do it.

Hey everyone! How are you all making out? Is everyone getting through? Every day its one day closer for the new class and every day I get more nervous. Ugh. I hope thats normal!

Hello everyone! I just received a call from *****and she told me they want me to finish this semester because my GPA is 2.68 and my TEAS score is 58.7 :-( is there any hope for me? Would May be too late?

Hello everyone! I just received a call from ***** and she told me they want me to finish this semester because my GPA is 2.68 and my TEAS score is 58.7 :-( is there any hope for me? Would May be too late?
Melanie you still have a chance. How did you do on the Algebra portion? As long as you did ok on that and you bring that GPA up this semester you should be ok. How many classes and what classes are you taking? I think it's a 2.75 you need to get in. Can't remember.

Thanks :-) I did take all the necessary prerequisites I'm currently taking child psychology and a computer course to raise my GPA, if I get 2 A's that would raise my GPA to a 2.84

You should be fine just study hard make sure you get those As. Also, when you get ur midterm grades send them into Patti and she will take them into consideration. Trust me! You might be contengently accepted until ur final grades. Patti is very understanding! Good luck! She did some meditation with a few of us earlier today lol

LOL! Thanks so much I will defienetly send her the midterm grades when I get them :-) you made me feel soooo much better!!!

Hi everyone I was recently accepted into the program and start aug 2012.. I was alittle shocked when I heard it was 5 days a week I was hoping to work atleast one day a week just to keep my foot in the door of the hospital I work at.. What is a normal schedule like are you really there everyday?!

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