need knowlwdge re knee surg

Specialties Orthopaedic


Hi, I am not ever involved in ortho surg. so am not up to date. My DH is having a hemi knee done soon. He currently takes oxycontin for pain. His Family doc. will withdraw him over time after the surg. My husband is concerned about the acute pain post op.

I would like to know the usual course of events. The doctor is one I don't know except by reputation and the surgery will be done in another town. We have tried to call the office and get questions answered but the "nursing staff" (I am not sure if she was even a nurse) only wanted to tell him to quit the pain med now, seems stupid to give medical advice when you don't know the situation. The info they sent was about a full knee replacement. I do know there are differences in recovery.:confused:

Facts from someone would be helpful to me. I am just the worried wife.

I don't want you to give medical advice, just the usual course.

Thanks, :bow:

Surg. went well. Now back home. DH is now able to use cane in our home as it is small and everything easily accessible. Pain is an issue but controlled well with Oxycontin and Percodan plus some APAP. Much improved since out of hospital. Using ice rather than Polar as he can get more coverage. See Fam. doc Tues and then will start formal ongoing PT. Flying was difficult and caused more swelling but he has been a trooper. Does everything he is told to do, even if it is hard.

Nursing care at hospital left a lot to be desired. I guess some of it had to do with shortage of nurses but also they did not do proper teaching about use of PCA vs getting PO meds. They did not pay a lot of attention to pain control especially before PT. If I had not been in attendance things would have been worse. I thought how sad for someone who did not have an advocate at the bedside. Gave me a new appreciation for the family point of view that we all complain of at times.

That said, things are going well and expect full recovery! Thanks to all who helped me to be there for him.:yeah:

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