AORN student

Specialties Operating Room


I'm a nursing student with a considerable curiosity about OR nursing, and unfortunately it looks like I won't have much chance to do OR observation as part of my clinical component. It was mentioned here, probably by several folks, that joining AORN as a student would be a good idea, and I have done that.

I attended my first meeting last week and learned about an interesting surgical procedure. I'm wondering, though, what I can or should be doing to get the most out of my AORN membership as a student. I've been reading and enjoying the journals, but I'd love to get more involved.

Anyone have any positive stories about what students have been able to do through their AORN chapter?

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

Make connections with those who also attend the meetings you're going to. They may be able to help you get your foot in the door.

Take advantage of the free CEUs offered to AORN members- Free Continuing Education

Have you looked around the message board on AORN? Certain forums, such as the specialty assembly forums, require that you are a member of those specialty assemblies. Have you joined any? OR NurseLink

And then there are opportunities for advocating/lobbying for public policy.

Really, just spend some time browsing around the website and seeing what else you can be doing. It's a big website that even I'm still finding some new things every now and then.

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