Western University MSN-E Fall 2017

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi! Is anyone else applying for Western U's MSN-E program? I hadn't seen a thread out there yet for fall 2017. I'm a little nervous about the cost of this program. What are your thoughts about the program, cost, structure, time of completion, etc?

Hi @mariaangela! I havent heard anything yet, but I emailed them. They said that the admissions committee is still reviewing the applications and to keep an eye out during the first week of January!

I think around this time or even earlier, people from last year's cycle began receiving emails stating that their application is ready for review or evaluation. Hopefully, we should start hearing back soon.

I heard in the middle of October that my application was ready for evaluation when I submitted around September 25th, but I have not heard anything else since then.

I just got an "early acceptance opportunity day" for January 19th!, I am assuming they are starting to send out emails for this and interviews as well. So everyone keep checking your emails!!

Congratulations @kimmyfarias95!!! I am anxiously waiting!!!!

Hi Guys,

I received an invitation today at 11:26 AM to attend an Early Acceptance Opportunity Day for January 19th. Does that mean your seat is guaranteed?

What should I do on that day to be admitted directly into the program?

I would really appreciate your insight.

Thank you so much Cristina.B for your helpful message, I couldn't reply to it, the system wouldn't let me.

From previous posts, they give out EAOD until around February, so there is still time ! (:

Hi Guys!

I am new to this thread, I turned in my application around late October before the deadline got extended. Only email I've received is the one where they say they're evaluating my application and will notify me about the status of my application. I've already had an interview with the University of Maryland, not too long ago but just praying and hoping on more responses from other schools. This is my top but I'll go anywhere to be honest, I know how competitive this program is. Good luck to everyone!

Has anyone heard anything from Western U lately?

Sadly, no response from WesternU yet :(.

Hi Everybody,

I just got the agenda for the "early acceptance opportunity day". They had Writing Exercise (Technical Training Lab) on the schedule. Is this something new? Are we going be asked to write an essay? Any Idea?

Your feedback is much appreciated.

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