National University Cohort 37 January 2014

Nursing Students School Programs



I was just looking for any other applicants to cohort 37 at National University in San Diego. The start for this cycle is January 2014. I just finished all the application steps last week and have been dying to know how other people are feeling about their admission. I'm going to go crazy! My adviser said we would probably not find out until about mid-October, which is so far away! Maybe some other applicants are feeling the same way but I thought that I would check and see. Good luck to everyone and I hope to hear from some people soon!

Dequis, I felt the same way when I was writing my essay! The typing of everyone else was super distracting but I just tried to ignore it after awhile! I definitely had to take some time to think and even when I was writing it I still had some brain farts but I eventually finished and was able to have extra time to go over my essay. I hope I did good! Now its just a waiting game! Hopefully next month we'll all be commenting on this thread that we got in! :)

Hello.. How do I find out when deadlines are for cohorts? I want to apply for the next one. Thanks guys :)

@aricaroni Omg I barely finished my essay and had no time to look it over.. I hope it was enough arg! Anyway I'm sure you're going to get in! No need to stress, you have a great teas score and grades, and sounds like you got down on the essay. But all in all waiting time sucks!

Where do you or anyone applying on here live if you dont mind me asking? I live in south chula and the drive is sooooo far from rancho bernardo im scared of the commute lol. And are any of you working and planning on working while in school?

@lisav0604 You can find out the cohort deadlines by attending a pre-nursing orientation. They usually go over them at the beginning. You can also find it on the national university site, or click on the nursing application link on the soar portal and you'll find a list of cohorts and the deadline. Hope that helps!

@dequis thank you so much.

@Dequis Yeah I was surprised I finished ahead of time! Like I said I had a lot of moments where my brain just kind of went blank! Well thanks I hope I do! Sounds like you will as well because your grades and TEAS score are awesome and I'm sure you did good on your essay! Exactly, the waiting is the worst part! I always thought applying would be the worst part but its nothing compared to waiting. I live like 5 minutes north of mission valley so closer to rancho than you but I know with traffic my 20 minute drive could potentially double or triple. :-/ Also the work I do right now is online on the computer and I kinda of make my own schedule so I will continue to work as much as I can. Will you be working?

Glad to see I'm not the only one fretting over results in this cohort! Haha I'm starting to get really nervous now that it's been a few weeks since the TEAS exam. Does anyone know how many applicants there are for Jan 2014 start date? There were only 7 of us writing essays on the first day, and about 10 taking the TEAS that same day...seemed pretty empty considering they said there's normally about 150-200 applicants for each cohort. Gaaahhhh, and when are we supposed to get our essay results back or find out if we're in or not?!

Oh, and to answer your question @Dequis, I actually live in RB literally two blocks north of school!

So another question: what was the writing prompt you were given? Mine was (and I'm paraphrasing): "Nursing is said to be both a science and an art. Describe what this means to you." Totally out of left field considering all I've heard of anyone getting was the standard "what will make YOU a great nurse" or something along those lines...wish I'd prepared more for the essay, given that it's worth a good chunk of your total points for admission :/

@Kelekealoha don't worry you're not alone in your fretting! I think we're all extremely nervous! I'm not really sure how many applicants there are but I know when I wrote my essay there was about 20 students in the computer lab so maybe they just spread the applicants out among several days but I'm not really sure. And I've heard that we don't get our essay results back until after they make decisions and you have to call and ask for them. My adviser told me that the last cohort found out about 2 and a half months before their start date so we should find out around mid-october, which sucks! Soooo much waiting and anticipation!!

As for the essay I think we all felt the same way! All the prompts were really different from one another and different from anything we expected. Maybe they're trying to make us really think on our feet? I just wrote as best I could and I'm hoping for the best! So nerve racking though!

Hi kelekealoha, when I spoke with my adviser last time she said that there were around 200 applicants to this cohort. And when I took my essay the classroom was full. Super nerve wrecking. I got the same essay question as tashachamps about interpersonal conflicts. But I heard there were around 8 other prompts being passed around. You are so lucky you live this close to school!!

@aricaroni I am currently volunteering at ucsd hillcrest and sharp chula vista right now so I can get a feel of the hospital environment, get experience, and get my foot in the door. As soon as I get through nurse fundamentals I am going to try to get a job as a cna and work per diem/part time night throughout school. But for the meantime I've been looking for home health positions and volunteering for anything medical related. I know it's going to be extremely hard balancing cna and school, but that's the only strategy I hear of people landing an RN job at a hospital. I'm hyperventilating just thinking about it haha

Wow! That's a lot of applicants!! Oh gosh that makes me even more nervous!! Yeah I volunteer at Sharp Memorial right now and I have a friend in labor and delivery so I'm going to try and volunteer there soon and then get a Tech job there and after I graduate they pretty much hire their techs for their new grad nursing positions automatically as long as you're a hard worker and they like you. But I don't think I'll start working nights until we're through some of the harder classes because I've just heard its really hard to balance your time with a job and you DO NOT want to fail a class because it puts you waaay back. I want to get a foot in but I also don't want to put my education in jeopardy so we'll see what I can handle! I hope we all get in!!!

Arg i replied to this earlier but it was deleted. Anyway, that's so awesome that you have a plan goin on!! All the steps we take now will pay off in the end. I have a few cousins who started off by volunteering at Sharp, they all landed a CNA job there with some working part time and some per diem. The one who graduated recently got a new grad RN job as soon as she passed the board! It's all really exciting. Sharp memorial is a beautiful hospital too. I would love to float and volunteer around either L&D or critical care, but right now im starting off doing meal mates. I'm trying to figure out whether I want to get my masters as a nurse anesthetist or midwife so getting experience there will point me out the right way :) And I agree with keeping grades in line while balancing a job. I've heard that not only do the students who fail a class have to drop another 1500 for the course, but some have had to wait a year to reapply for the program because theres not enough room in the next cohort. So i'll take that advice to work nights until after the harder classes lol. Im so excited about it all and really hope we get in! Stay positive!

Yeah I one of those people that has to plan for like way ahead in the future just so I can feel less stress haha! Yeah Sharp is a really awesome hospital and beautiful like you said, I'm from Colorado so I'm going to apply at places here and in Colorado and just see what I get! Yeah I still can't decide if I want to go on and do nurse practitioner or anesthetist or not so I'm just going to be a nurse for awhile and see how I like it, I may end up doing something I absolutely love and not want to go back! Yeah that's exactly what I've heard, failing a class is very very bad! It puts you back a lot so I definitely don't want that to happen. I hope we get in too! I'm just keeping my fingers and toes crossed and waiting patiently, or maybe not so patiently! :)

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