Mount Saint Mary's ABSN Fall 2015

Nursing Students School Programs



I applied for the accelerated BSN at Mount Saint Mary's University in L.A. for Fall 2015. I hadn't seen a thread created yet so thought to make one! Wondering if anybody out there applied and waiting as well?

Hey Shann14,

Did they send you a confirmation email when you scheduled the math exam? I've been expecting it but I never really know.

I also registered for Wednesday April 29! I just spoke to admissions and she said I should expect the confirmation email on Friday sometime. So maybe it gets sent just a couple days before the exam.

Thanks a bunch for the info. Good luck all to those taking it!

Hey Shann14,

Did they send you a confirmation email when you scheduled the math exam? I've been expecting it but I never really know.

I haven't received a confirmation e-mail yet.

Hi everyone!

I too applied for the MSMU ABSN Fall 2015 and will be taking the math exam Saturday, May 2nd 12-2pm. I just called to ask because I have not received a confirmation email and was told one would be sent closer to the exam date (next week).

anybody feel like that math test was shorter than anticipated?

Did the exam closely resemble the math sample they gave out?

Same type of equations for sure and a little more difficult, at least for me. Shorter by a few questions, too. Unless I completely missed a page or something. If that's the case then I'm screwed. Lol.

There was like one question that threw me off on the test, so I guess i'm going to have to take it again....I wonder if most people end up getting 100% on the first chance or not?

I don't think they do. Last cohort I heard no one got 100. They just have you do a class for remediation after acceptance. It's like a day and then they have you retake the test same-day.

I also heard that it is not uncommon for people to miss a few questions. Before the test, the administrator even said that people have been accepted with scores in the 70-80% range! They do require remediation of 10 hours with a school tutor and a 100% on the retake if you do not pass the first time. Hopefully we all did well & get invited to interview soon! Good luck to all & fingers crossed... It's all a waiting game now.:x3:

Are the scores supposed to be posted today?

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