Grossmont College RN Points Total

Nursing Students School Programs


I am looking for information on what number of points you had when you applied and did you get in?

I am applying next week and I am not holding my breath, but was just wondering.


You can do everything but the drug/background part, uniform ordering and sign up for classes. I have CPR and vaccination and am ordering some books this weekend. Be sure to sign up for Amazon student. Good discounts and free shipping for 6 mos and then it's $35/yr.

Thank you for the info. I am a prime member. What books are you ordering may I ask? I've ordered the sanders NCLEX review. I will also order the Q&A later. I read the review on both books and it seems like everybody's agreeing that the NCLEX review book will help you throughout the nursing classes whereas the Q&A review book will just help you when taking the NCLEX examination.

Orientation is on Friday!! I was wondering what everyone will be wearing? Business casual? Will you be wearing jeans? I don't want to be under or over dressed. Can't wait to see everyone!

Good question! I am going to have to look in to that

Please let me know what you find and share what you will be wearing @long2beanurse

I called the school and they said you may wear regular clothes. So, I will probably be wearing nice jeans or capris and a cute short sleeve shirt and I love my flip flops. I would probably wear layers, as it is supposed to be warm outside, which means they will probably be putting on the AC on to control the heat and the extra bodies. I would also dress comfortable, as we have no idea how long we will be sitting and listening and how much walking we may do if they want to give us a tour of the school/health science building. Just dress as though you would be proud of what you look like if you were to meet the dean or teachers. Show that you care about your image.

I can't wait! This day has been a long time coming for me, I can't believe it is finally here! See you on Friday!

Thanks @long2beanurse! Were you already a student from Grossmont? I am new to SD and a new student at Grossmont so I am a bit nervous about not knowing anyone.

I have gone to grossmont college for pre reqs and my prior degree. You will be fine! We are all nervous as we get started on this journey. My name is Nancy:) see you tomorrow!

@long2banurse I sent you a private message. Please check it

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