rubella titer

Specialties Ob/Gyn


what is considered to be susceptibility/immunity

here in my book, this is what is printed throughout:

HAI test 1:10 indicates immunity

HAI test

If > 1:10 then avoid children who have rubella

Later in the book:

1:18 or greater is evidence of immunity

less than 1:8 is susceptibility to rubella

no wonder I'm a little unsure

anyone know?

or can guide me to a source that's current for clearer information


and because meruvax II passes to breastmilk, are there any risks to the baby who is breastfeeding?

Specializes in Community, OB, Nursery.

According to the CDC, AAP and the ACIP, getting the MMR (or rubella) vaccine while breastfeeding is considered safe. There is supposedly a theoretical risk that, since it is a live vax, and it is excreted in breastmilk, then virus could cause illness in the baby. I have personally never seen it happen, and I gave lots of MMR to BF women at the community health center where I used to work.

That said, rubella is generally a mild illness in babies & children. The greatest risk is to a developing fetus.

I wouldn't worry so much about the actual numbers on a rubella titer unless you will need to know them specifically for a test. In the real world, you will get the lab results from lab and there will be a result followed by "rubella antibody detected. [or not detected]" Most people are immune. Some people have gotten the vax but never have an immune response to it & so will still test as non-immune. Some folks are equivocal, meaning their immune response was not strong enough to call it immune, but not weak enough to call it non-immune.

Hope this helps.

thanks Arwen U

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