post delivery MgSo4 pts

Specialties Ob/Gyn


Like to know how your hospital handles c-section or nsvd patients who must remain on MgSo4 for 12 to 24 hrs post delivery. Do they remain in your L&D unit until off Mg? Are they moved to post partum Mother Baby unit as soon as the initial recovery period is over even if Mg is to remain running? Please include you hospital level, location, staff/ pt ratio for RN with the Mg pt. and you protocols would be nice also.


Deb-love your avatar!!! Anyway, I was only on mag for 12 hours then I was in the hospital for another 36 hours after the mag was dc'd. I totally feel for anyone who has to be on mag. That stuff sucked. I don't think I could have had a vag delivery if I had had it during labor. They started mine about 2 hours after I delivered because my pressures weren't going down. They were pretty high during labor. 160-170s/100-110s. I didn't have any other symptoms though except a headache and slight proteinuria. No edema at all, I think my other labs were normal. I am planning on getting my records just for curiosity. I didn't know what questions to ask then. I do know I had a nurse that sat by my bed the whole time I was on the mag.

I didn't even have an IV yet when I delivered, it happened so fast, I think they were waiting for the CNM to get there and see me. I left the office at 1cm at 3pm and delivered at 8pm.

I went home on Labetalol. It took me about 3 months to get back to normal BPs, but I also didn't take my Labetalol as prescribed because it made me dizzy and tired and I worried it would make my daughter feel that way if she got it thru the breastmilk.

I am hoping it doesn't happen with my next pregnancy. My mom apparently had it with me and not with my sister.

We keep mag pp pt. in the LDRP room if she's an svd. For C/S mag pp, then we move her to the floor (around the corner) where we have gyn , C/S, and pp overflow. It is all the same staff, so ofter the nurse she already has stays w/ her. Care is usually 1:1 pp or maybe the Mag pt. and one more "simple" pp pt. We are level one w/ 6 LDRP's and 12 overflow private rooms. We have 650-700 deliveries annually. Baby can room in only if support person is present.

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