admission assessment on newborn

Specialties Ob/Gyn


Who does the admission assessment on the newborn and where does it take place? For example does L&D admit in the room or does the baby go to the nursery for admission or do you have someone go to room to do admission? If you have a nursery is it staffed with RN and what are her specific duties? ( does she do shift assssments,vitals etc. or does couplet nurse do this?) Thanks! We are still working on dtermining what we will do so any input is greatly appreciated!! Jama

Originally posted by jama:

Who does the admission assessment on the newborn and where does it take place? For example does L&D admit in the room or does the baby go to the nursery for admission or do you have someone go to room to do admission? If you have a nursery is it staffed with RN and what are her specific duties? ( does she do shift assssments,vitals etc. or does couplet nurse do this?) Thanks! We are still working on dtermining what we will do so any input is greatly appreciated!! Jama

is this a new l/d unit? are you making new policies and procedures? we have another l/d nurse in the room for deliveries and she does the initial assessment, unless it is high risk, then a nicu nurse comes with the noenatoligist. as far as postpartum, if the nurse takes a diad, then she will do the vitals if you arent doing diads then the nursery nurse does the shift assessments.

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