Why is the answer to this question Metabolic Alkalosis?

Nursing Students Student Assist


Normal values:

pH (7.35-7.45)


pCO2 (35-45)



What is this clients disorder?

--> Client with an NG Tube has a pH of 7.50 (Alkalosis), pO2 90 (normal), PCO2 of 42 (normal) and HCO3 25 (normal)

Answer: Metabolic Alkalosis.


... I understand why it is alkalosis, but why is it metabolic if the HCO3 is in the normal range???


Just wanted to let everyone know, my classmate e-mailed the professor about this question and she confirmed that it was a mistake and the bicarb should have been a 35, not 25!

A-HA! I knew it! It was the only thing that made sense.

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