Psychosocial care plan

Nursing Students Student Assist


I need help developing a psychosocial care plan for a patient who is on contact isolation, has a foley catheter, is alert but only responds to pain, does not verbally communicate, and has sub diaphragmatic abscess.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

Morning....How can a patient be alert and only respond to pain? Are the aphasic? Are their eyes open and do they track your movement in the room?

The patient is aphasic. He can open his eyes and he does follow you around the room with his eyes if they are open.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.
He can open his eyes and he does follow you around the room with his eyes if they are open.
So he responds to more than noxious stimuli (pain) Does he follow commands like squeeze your hand and let go?

Care plans are all about the assessment of the patient...what do they need? Think how it would be if you knew everything going on but cannot say a word. How would that affect you?

What semester are you? What care plan book/resource do you use?

We have talked about this before......

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