Three quick questions

Nurses Uniform/Gear


I'm probably suffering from too much time on my hands before school starts....

1) What is 'standard' to put on stethoscope ID tag? I was thinking first initial, last name?

2) If you normally wear an underwire bra, do you also wear one at work or do you opt for something more comfortable like a sports bra?

3) Glasses vs. contacts in a clinical setting. Thoughts?

Specializes in ICU, telemetry, LTAC.

If you are in school, put your name and the name of your program on it so they will know not to search for an employee but a student.

Glasses are great, as long as they fit. I saw a coworker open an alcohol pad once and by sheer freak accident, the alcohol squirted into her eye. NOT good. Poop, pee, wound mess, all sorts of bad things fly at your face so glasses are my friend.

Bras are personal... I just prefer that it fits properly, does not constrict movement, and does not cause pain. I like the "foundations" meaning underwear to be right where I put them, the whole shift and not cause me to think about them. Also I am a bit modest and wear a shirt under every scrub top, even in summer heat when it might be a tank top under there.

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