Current preceptor as reference?

Nurses Job Hunt


I am in my final semester of nursing school and wanted to apply for a job as a tech in the hospital I would love to be a nurse in to get my foot in the door. I would like to list my current preceptor for practicum as a reference since she works with me and only me, but then I learned you should only list references who have known you for around a year or two. Should I or should I not list my current preceptor as a reference?

I'd make an exception. This preceptor is the current observer of your clinical progression. If you need someone to vouch for your professional development, she's probably your best candidate.

Typically, the 1-2 years or more rule goes for people who are providing character references. Your personal references need to have known you long enough to really vouch for who you are. When it comes to professional references, that 1-2 year thing is much more flexible, especially when you're about to graduate and you've really only known your preceptors/professors for 1 year, 2 maximum, and many more for a shorter amount of time.

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