Pyxis Vs Acudose

Nurses Medications


Specializes in Sub-acute.

I'm trying to find the differences between the Pyxis and the Acudose. I've been working on a project and I've tried to find these online but I can't get the information I need. If anyone would please be able to help me with this it would be greatly appreciated.

Have you looked at the Pyxis web site -

There are product brochures, case studies, and webinars available there. You can also contact a sales rep from there. (Sales reps LOVE to talk about their product.) Ask the sales rep why you should use Pyxis rather than Accudose. The sales rep will have a good understanding of his product and his competitor's product and will be able to tell you the difference. He will probably have documents he can send you about his product vs. the competition.

Do the same for Accudose -

It will be under Pharmacy/Pharmacy Automation

Ask both vendors for contacts at their reference accounts. Then you can call and talk with someone who is actually using their product.

If you have an IT department where you work, call and talk with them. Also consider talking with someone in your pharmacy.

At the end of the day, you'll find that neither is a perfect product. One will have some features you like and the other will have some features you like. Both will have features you don't like.

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