Apothecary measurements

Nurses Medications


I Am going to start nursing school in Jan. One of our professors wants us to know dosage calculations before we begin. I've been working through the book and came across the apothecary measurements and it says they are strongly discouraged and/or not used. In my mind, I don't want to learn them in the case that I receive an order in apothecary measurements and *think* I know the conversions but dont and incorrectly calculate and administer a drug. Our professor has practice problems with apothecary orders on them so obviously I'll need to learn them, but it's clearly outdated and discouraged so why have us learn something that isn't/shouldn't be used??

I can see if they have a reference book with conversions at a nursing station but I happen to strongly disagree with learning the INCORRECT way because in a stressful situation, you may recall learning something but it happens to be something you learned NOT to recognize/accept.

Experiences nurses, thoughts??

hey Muno, i resemble that remark, grains of morphine......wow right out of my 70s nursing school :o

Long as you picked up the order as *grains* and not *grams* guess things are ok! *LOL*

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