Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS)

World Canada


Hey everybody,

Just a quick question. Does anyone know how in Ontario you can become a CNS? I know the details on how to become an NP, but couldn't find anything in regards to a CNS. What does the career entail i.e. is it more research based? Is there a demand? I will appreciate all help and feedback!

Thank you :)

Have you looked at the clinical nurse specialist association of Ontario's standards of practice? The assumption is a CNS is an advanced practictioner who holds a Masters or Doctoral degree from a nursing program and has expertise in a clinical nurse speciality. However, in Ontario, some nurses who have expertise in a clinical nursing specialty, but do not have a Masters degree, have been hired into CNS positions.

Some CNS conduct research to varying degrees along with clinical practice and some mainly focus on clinical practice, for more ideas on what the career entails look at the career profiles on the Canadian Nurses Association website.

The demand ebbs and flows, the positions are prone to cutbacks in times of economic restraint but depending on the direction Ontario hospitals take, there can also be periods of high demand.

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