Torn between two jobs

Nurses Job Hunt


I've been working on a post intensive care/ telemetry floor as an aide for a year and a half. My boss told me he was holding a full-time RN position for me if I wanted it. I also was told by someone that they will take me directly to their boss so I can get an interview at a high-acuity pediatric agency that partners with CHOP. I would deal with trachs, vents, g-tubes and congenital abnormalities. Since the start of school pediatrics has been where my heart is. I was so set on that but now I'm torn because my boss just told me today that he was holding that position.

To be honest I didn't like working as an aide on that floor very much. I always felt we were understaffed and it made the job much more stressful and much less enjoyable. Sometimes I would be the only aide with 31 pts (CHF, stroke, post MI).. Many of which were complete care while the nurses had 7 patients each. I don't know if it'll be different as a nurse. I'm not really sure what to do at this point. Any advice?

Take this with a grain of salt, because it's not from experience, but if I were you, I'd be afraid of your job description not changing very much if you take a different job at the same facility. That has happened to classmates of mine, who found themselves at their clinical facility doing the "CNA stuff" they did when they were there to work--and running out of time and energy for their RN skills.

You also mentioned that the new position is in your field of choice. That would be an awesome opportunity! Maybe you should at least interview--and find out about the position firsthand.

Thank you for the input. It's greatly appreciated. I not so much worried about the job description. I know a couple aides that moved to RN positions and didn't have a problem. I'm more so worried about staffing issues. I should be able to meet with the hiring manager next Wednesday and I'll go from there. I think it would help me make my decision.

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