Question for anyone who has sought a job!

Nurses Job Hunt


As a new nurse, have any of you applied to the jobs that state you need "such and such years experience" or do you just forgo them? Has anyone with no experience applied to these jobs and have gotten at least an interview? My mother said that I should apply.. I feel against it, that I am wasting someone's time and that the person will feel that I can not follow instructions. (Although God knows I'm not getting a job following instructions! HAHA) What do you all think?

My mom always told me, when asking for something you need, the worst response you can get is no, or a laugh with a no.

So shoot for it, if the worse you will get is a no. I live in Dallas and I have been doing it. I was told by HR here and in El Paso, why would I apply for anything other than a GN position, even though I have a RN license, it does not mean I am eligible to apply for any of those positions. I just politely thanked them for their advice.

So I'm guessing here in Texas there's not as much luck doing that, but I still try. Its hard to get a GN position that "in just one day, 1200 people applied"

A job will come!!! :D

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