Problems with References

Nurses Career Support


How does one get a job without references? I've left 2 jobs in the last 7 years because of conflicts with management (read that: 'the boss'), and am currently unemployed. While I have the experience to land some very nice critical care positions, am having a hard time with my new recruiter because the former employers won't provide references, just verification of employment!

Has anyone else encountered this problem? If so, how did you get around it? There must be a way ... Please, help!

Unfortunately, this isn't true. (I am a Nurse Recruiter, so I deal with referencing all the time.)

Many employers choose not to provide any information except verification of employment dates, but this is because of liability and not because of law. Employers are allowed to say anything they want to, so long as it is true. In fact many employers give quite a bit of information about current and former employees.


In the state of Virginia (im not sure how it is elsewhere) it is against the law to prohibit a person from obtaining a position simply because of something that YOU said while in the refrencing process (i.e an employer calls an exemployer and gives a bad refrence which detures the new employer from hiring).

When I graduated nursing school (two weeks ago) - we had the career services women come in and speak with us and she specifically said that it was against the law for that to happen - and that if it did occur, that you could sue. However, I have no idea how you would get it out of a potential employer that they didn't hire you because someone said you were a terrible employee, lol.

Im not sure if I read your message right, maybe you were speaking under different circumstances - but this is what I have been told.


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