Pay check as the measure of gratification in nursing

Nurses Career Support


To be honest this bb is almost always uniformly depressing to visit because people come here on their down days, weeks, months, life-times to air grievances.

How much is enough money in nursing?

I hear all of the time that we aren't paid enough, so how much is enough?

If I rate my job for financial satisfaction (substance abuse prevention in a school), rating is about a 2 on a 1-5 scale. I could be making more money. In truth, I haven't had such a poor earning capacity since I was less than 5 years out of school--I'm out 23 years this June. But I am happy. The work is meaningful. I'm getting a wonderful opportunity to help kids 1:1. I'm home most evenings (probably 5 out of 6 weeks I'm home every night of the week) with my kid. Holidays are spent with my family, not the dear, dear people I worked with in the hospital/units but had no blood kinship with (and I really do miss them, but not enough to go back...). I work in a school setting, where the main thrust is education, so my programs and what I do is always secondary to the ed mission. I'm pretty low status (though respected more and more every day--having only been in the job 1 1/2 years). Value placed on job satisfaction=4/5

Value placed on job that allows me to meet my goals in my primary role of mom=4/5

(Nuttin's perfect)

Do I worry that if my dear, beloved husband crumped tomorrow that I would have to get a "real job"? Yup, I do, but I'd be inclined to try to make it in this job so that I could be available to my kid since we'd need each other more than ever. (we have done some financial planning against this possibility.)

Bottom line: Nursing tries to attract men to nursing. Women who must do full time nursing to support their families face the same issues. How can I make the most money in nursing? That would be the hospital. You don't have to be a genius to see that some really good people are being eaten alive by their hospital jobs according to postings on this and other BB's.

I have always been happiest in nursing when I wasn't busting my chops to make a lot of money (and this includes working in the hospital times in my career). Learn to live on less. Yes, I mean you. Avoid making unit staffing your personal problem. Get caller ID or an answering machine and do not answer the phone on your day off unless you want to talk to those folks. Learn to say, "No I cannot come in extra." Get a life outside of nursing. Do not expect that nursing should be your sole source of love, gratification, acceptance, friendship and FULFILLMENT in life. Nursing makes a poor lover. Do not measure happiness, fulfillment, personal self-worth by dollars: IT NEVER WORKS.

And to those of you who say, "This kind of poo-poo has kept and will keep nurses poor for a long time." Probably true. I don't think theres a lot more money to be had in health care to juice nursing salaries up much more. I don't think the market will bear it. That's my opinion. Even in poorly staffed hospitals, it takes a lot of professional nurses to make it run. The service we provide is labor intensive, so we are not going to be at the top of a pay pyramid, like a CEO or COO or CFO is (of which you only need a couple.) I think health care is a house of cards that is wobbling, but to those of you that want to keep batting your head against this particular wall, be my guest.

Some of you might want to try to re-frame your thinking using some of my ideas or perhaps the ideas of other posters and get a little happier.

I am hoping to hear from those of you who substantially disagree with me BUT please would those of you who have re-framed your expectations of what you get out of nursing AROUND SOMETHING OTHER THAN MONEY please post.

Hope this gives another perspective on this issue.

I don't have a problem with the negativity on this BB. People need a place where they can feel safe to vent, I think this a perfect place.

If you have a bad day, bad experience, or get frustrated on a certain day....go ahead and vent. I would rather have people vent here than take it out on their patients at work.

This BB is not always about the negative. Just check out some of the posts where the students write in about being unsure, scared and upset about school. There is a tremendous amout of support out there for everyone. Maybe some of our are only reading the depressing posts and are not seeing the posts in which the same poster that was just venting about the pay, awful hours, and no respect will turn around and give a student or new grad alot of reassurance.

Venting is just that, and can be very helpful to some people. Lets not take that away from them. Sometimes you just ahve to consider that persons state of mind at the time they posted something.

I agree JillR. If you only want postings that share your own views, and ones filled with smiley faces, write a diary!

I feel so young!!

I'm one of those "new grads". I graduated last year and have been working in a field I absolutely ADORE!

While the money is fair, it's not as nearly as high as has been listed but is average for my area. I think one of the best benefits is the flexibility of the schedule and ONLY 3 days a week (12-hour shifts)!!

I can't imagine myself returning to a 5-day a week job behind a desk. Before going into nursing, I worked at a desk job 40-50 hours a week. Talk about not seeing your family! And the pay was lousy.

The satisfaction I receive from knowing I personally helped someone is one of the reasons I got into nursing in the first place. Didn't we all?

Keep the faith...and if you're feeling burned out...move nursing fields and re-energize that feeling you had when you first started nursing. Nursing needs good, caring people, like yourself!

i love your quote at the end, "if you can't do it with a smile, don't do it!!!!!!!"

i will be saying this at my current job, and i will also remember to share it during my nursing school and career journey. thanks for that.


"trust god and love yourself!"

i love your quote at the end, "if you can't do it with a smile, don't do it!!!!!!!"

i will be saying this at my current job, and i will also remember to share it during my nursing school and career journey. thanks for that.


"trust god and love yourself!"

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