Palomar New Grad/Nurse Resident/New Nurse Program 2018

Nurses Career Support


hello everyone! was wondering if anyone is applying for the new nurse residency program at palomar for 2018! if so, i was wondering how you applied? i'm having a hard time finding the application and when i created my account, all i found was a nurse resident position for labor and delivery only (which is not what i want to do lol) so confused because i thought you can apply to as many units as you want from the list but i can only find one and i'm a little nervous it already closed for external applicants :/ please let me know if you know anything about palomar! i would greatly appreciate it! thanks in advance :)

Thank you for letting me know. Good luck to everyone who got interviews!

Does anyone know if they're still emailing people about the interviews or have they all been sent out?

As someone said, they are still sending out invites based on declination. My classmates received an invite on Thursday and has until tonight to respond.

has anyone had their interview for 2018 cohort?

My interview is not until January 8th

I don't know if this thread is still active, but I have my interview for Palomar on Wednesday and was wondering if anyone heard anything about how their interviews are? Super excited and super nervous. Good luck to all those that had interviews!

My interview was this morning, you go to 7 different stations and they ask you a few questions at each station. It's very laid back and you are at each station for 10 minutes! Good luck to everyone!

There were 7 stations with 2-4 managers, educators, etc per station.

I wouldn't go as far to it being "laid-back".

Some were easier to talk to than others.

Be prepared to tell them why you want to work for Palomar multiple times.

Thank you guys so much! Good luck to you both :)

Does anyone who interviewed know when we should expect to hear back from them?

Yes i believe they said today is the last day of interviews, and they will make decisions tomorrow. But they said emails out to everyone probably won't be till next week because of the holiday! So sometime beginning next week i believe.

Also, they said that if you don't hear by next week, then don't fret. Based on offer declines, they could possibly be calling the week after too. Good luck to all!!! :)

Offer emails have started!

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