Nursing in Australia

World Australia


How to work in Australia as a nurse? Im a registered nurse here in the philippine and currently working as a trainor in a caregiver school. Because its really diffucult to get a hospital experience here in our country. The caregiver school that I'm working with currently partnered with Metropolitan South Institute of Tafe.

Do australia only allow student working visa? It's too expensive to study in a foregin country. MSIT also offers diploma in nursing which cost $18,000. when converted to philippine peso, it would cost 700,000 Php. I have to pay other things like airfare, house, trnaspo, food..

What can you recommend for foreigh nurses like me? I've heard that Australia is much better that US. And with the retrogression still ongoing, i have to wait 5 or more years.

And also experience is a requirement. i think it costs more if you don't have any work experience in your credentials. some hospitals/course providers count volunteer nursing for clinical exp. God bless =)

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