A Nurse and A Go-Go Dancer

Nurses Professionalism



I am a nursing student (LVN/LPN). Before stepping into the nursing world I've always thought of becoming a go-go dancer. Why do I want to go-go dance besides nursing: it's because I love dancing and performing on a stage. I am almost done with my school and I was just wondering if a nurse can also be a go-go dancer at the same time without hurting his/her license.

Thanks in advance!

As HouTx suggests, you will need to be careful. And today there are cameras everywhere, if not obvious ones the ones on phones, or in pens etc. So, you can figure your picture will most likely be captured. I do however feel it is your right to do what you want outside of work, live your life so to speak. Because we are nurses, we are held to a higher degree of acceptable behavior. I occasionally have a heavy foot in the car and find myself speeding a good 10 above the limit, so that counts against me when employers check my driving record etc. There are eyes everywhere!!

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