Need help brainstorming slow paced jobs!

Nurses Disabilities


I was in a tragic auto-pedestrian accident in January that let me with 7 fractures (tibial plateau, pelvis x2, femur, hip, clavicle, sternum) and for two weeks a 50/50 chance of amputation to my right leg r/t popliteal artery injury. I had severe anemia, respiratory depression, dangerously low BP, etc etc.

Good news is that after 12 weeks in a wheelchair I'm moving around off crutches now... which as you can guess, I did get to keep my leg!!!

The devestating news? I'm 21, was 3 months from graduation with my RN. D/t 6 weeks in the hospital, still being in a wheelchair for another 7 weeks after discharge, I had to drop my last semester and postpone it until this August 2009.

I did fortunately opt to get my LVN last summer as my program offered it midway through the RN program. I miss nursing SOOOO much. My friends still call me asking me to answer some of their questions, and the pinning ceremony that I was in charge of is in a matter of weeks :(

I feel fully confident in working right now as an LVN, but I'm slow and have a limp (I'm still recovering, as you can imagine. Several months before I'll be as close to 100% as I'll get). I'm wondering what areas of nursing do you think would fit? I'm open to anything. I used to be the fastest walker down the hallways, but now I cant do more than just a simple walk. I thought about working night shifts to decrease the chaotic-ness.

Thank you very kindly for all your help!

Specializes in jack of all trades.

Check into insurance case management/telephonic case management. Examples (mostly want RN's but LPN's are used in areas like quality review, etc) (telephonic and medical review)

Also check local research centers such as Covance

Local drug rehab - utilize LPN's to give methadone treatments etc. Usually mornings and part-time. Doesnt require much walking at all actually.

Check about medical transcription and also billing/coding. Most places prefer nurses with this ability. Some local community colleges offer short courses in medical coding.

Physician offices is another potential. Outpatient clinics like urgent treatment centers.

i have been in office work with 15 years and it would be perfect for you..disease management/workers compensation/disability case manager/managed care reviewer. I was just diagnosed with MS and my company is accomodating a 6 week return to work plan.

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