Nurse Call button misused once again

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Nurse Call button misused once again.

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I had a patient the other night who was very pleasantly demented, she learned that if she pressed the button I would magicly apear like a cheerful genie of nursing. every time i walked into the room she would just giggle at me while i turned off the bell. it was a not so busy, kinda fun good night so it was actually pritty funny. and she was just so cute i couldnt be upset.

This patient IS my husband!

This patient was my husband back in the day! LOL!

Specializes in PCU.

At my facility, they have us put our zone phone numbers on the whiteboards, in addition to each patient call light :/ As if it is not bad enough that the phone rings 2-4 times each time I am attempting to assist/medicate/educate a patient with lab, rad, doc, I now have to contend with the patients themselves calling me! Needless to say, whatever patient I am usually with when this happens are less than amused by the third ring. It gets to the point that I will finish what I am doing with said patient before I will answer. I can understand being responsive to our patients, but this is getting ridiculous.

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