New grad, required monitoring...where do I look for a job?

Nurses Recovery


Hi, I'm a recent graduate. I applied for my license and disclosed my prior criminal infractions from 1999. I received notification to have a drug and alcohol eval, which I did, and just heard today that despite it going well they are still requiring me to be monitored. I am so disappointed. I have been clean for 13 years, married, 3 kids, own a home, graduated first in my nursing class with numerous awards, etc. Spent most of the day crying about it. I really thought that if they saw how hard I've worked that they would allow me to work unmonitored. Unfortunately, I cannot get the misdemeanor drug charge off my record. My PNAP case manager pretty much said that if it could be expunged this wouldn't happen. But I can't, so it is what it is. After feeling sorry for myself for a about 6 hours and crying off and on, I decided to cut that out and see if anyone knows of a good place to start when looking for a job. It will not be easy! New grad, no experience, criminal record (even though 14 years old), and now monitoring.

Anyone have any advice? I really need some encouragement.

Thanks everyone for the advice. There is a small glimmer of hope-I got a call today that they seem to have decided to offer me the VRP program. That's huge then as I won't start with a tainted license. I also spoke to the woman who did my eval, who emphatically states she did not sign it nor would she have said I needed monitoring. I think it boils down to they are just scared to allow me to practice freely with my history, no matter how many years ago it was. And I have to accept that. It is good news though if they allow me to do this voluntarily. It will be a pain in the butt and expensive, but I feel slightly more hopeful knowing that in the end my license will be clean. It was devastating to think of going through all their requirements and STILL having a mark, before I even begin. God has a purpose for me and I don't think he would have led me down this road so successfully if He didn't have a purpose in mind! Just figuring out what it is!!! I appreciate all your support and hope to continue to talk with others in similar situations!

I am in a similar situation...just had my RN license reinstated following a 2 year suspension, was SO excited to finally return to the nursing profession...and no one will give me a chance at employment. SO DISCOURAGED! I keep telling myself that God has a purpose for me also...but my heart is breaking.

Awh, Sharon--I wish you lots of luck!! It baffles me that the very establishment that calls addiction a disease seems to treat it as a moral defect. I haven't even begun to look for work or had permission to take my boards until I have met some requirements. After 13 years, 3 kids, running a business with my husband, and being a full time nursing student I wasn't attending meetings very often and that was not acceptable to the board. I think it boils down to they just couldn't let me practice free and clear knowing I have a history. Hopefully I can find work somewhere that will meet their approval and plug through these years ahead of me. I knew it would be hard work but a small part of me thought they would see who I am today, not who I was 14 years ago! I hope that any potential employers will see who you are today!!

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