wanting to register with crpnbc uk nurse

World Registration


HelloIm a uk mental health nurse trying to register in bc and getting really disheartened. Its really confusing! Does everyone have to take the entry exam? I started trying to register with the nnas last june and only know am waiting to hear from the crpnbc after paying $250 for my initial application.... how far am i from registering realistically? anything you could help with would be great. Thanks

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Yes you will have to sit the exam. All nurses are required to sit the exam regardless on qualification if wanting to work in Canada as a nurse

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Also to add currently I believe the exam is taken in Canada but should say something on their website

Thank you for the reply. I guess I just figured I would be able to take the exam in the UK somewhere. Is there any recruitment agencies that would fund you going to Canada to try for it on basis you work for them if you pass or am I dreaming? It says that you find out your results five weeks after, is there no way they can tell you when you are there, its only multiple choice after all?

the test is only three times a year so I think the next one I could go for would be October, very disheartening looks like the whole process will take me well into the two year mark at this rate. How far from getting registered and working do you think I am? Can I ask how you found the process?


Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

The exam is only available in BC

administered at The Sheraton Vancouver Guildford Hotel, 15269 – 104th Avenue, Surrey, B.C.


There are no agencies that I am aware of that fund exam or try it out. Most agencies or even employers wish to see either pass exam or eligibility to sit exam before offering job.

Even though exam is multichoice it is normal for results to take up to 5 weeks.

I have gone through crpnbc but the average time frame for any IEN is between 1-2 years processing

Oh gosh I dont think I can wait for another year. Do you know is it allowed to apply for jobs as support worker? Until my registration comes through? Then I can get a feel for different places I may work. Thank you for your time on this Its really helping me out


Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Each province is different but I don't think support worker will get you a work permit so not sure on how you are coming to BC. You may need to approach the body that deals with support worker training and ask them about working as a support worker whilst waiting

Thank you for your help, but its game over for me. I have been rejected from sitting the entry exam with the suggestion I do a bridging course do an exam in that then give them the details to be assessed again to then sit the exam.

I have savings but not the money to just throw at this from my regular account

Time to put plan b into action... I just have to think of one first!

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