Passed ACNP exam

Specialties NP


So i took the ANCC exam for the ACNP this morning and passed. I have to be honest, it was no where near as hard as i was expecting. I used the fitzgerald home study program. I found it on ebay for just over $100. Good deal because it retails $450. The review was very well tailored to the test, including some questions that seemed to be word for word. well worth my money!

I wonder why it takes so long? I took my nursing boards (NCLEX) 4 weeks after graduation. I wonder why NP boards are so much longer? It is frustrating, and it almost seems fraudulent that it takes paying to "expedite" your application!

I think they are really scrutinizing the applications and transcripts to make sure you are qualified to sit for the exam. But yeah, I totally felt weird about paying the extra $$ but I was just ready to get it all going!

Specializes in ACNP-BC, Adult Critical Care, Cardiology.
I wonder why it takes so long? I took my nursing boards (NCLEX) 4 weeks after graduation. I wonder why NP boards are so much longer? It is frustrating, and it almost seems fraudulent that it takes paying to "expedite" your application!

Unfortunately, this problem is being overlooked by NP certification boards and is definitely not helping our profession in any way. Before I left Michigan, I worked per diem at a hospital that had a need for "Mid Level Providers" and was willing to hire new grad PA's and NP's equally. The new PA's, however, were getting ahead of the hiring game because they were getting certified less than a month after graduation while the new NP's have to wait weeks before being eligible to even sit for the exam. The NP's on staff grumbled that more new PA's were being hired and in an effort to be fair, the hospital did end up hiring a few new NP program grads who weren't certified yet. The bad part was the new NP grads could not do anything in the clinical setting but shadow while the new PA's were already getting hands on orientation. To me, that just leaves a bad impression on the NP field.

Specializes in CT ICU, OR, Orthopedic.

Yes, I've even heard on here that people have paid their money, and not been able to test bc they never hear back from the certification boards. I've heard people say that it has taken them SIX MONTHS to get approval. That is RIDICULOUS! I have also gotten the impression that many jobs out there are through "word of mouth" so that when someone is ready to hire, they are ready to hire. or that people get offers from places they did their clinicals at. I am sure the employers are not really wanting to wait months for you to have actual privileges! I am still trying to figure out why there are two certifying boards! I mean some states only take this one, while others take that one. There should be ONE certifying board. With an organization as big and powerful as the ANA, you would think these issues would be taken care of!

ANCC headquarters are in Washington D.C........are any of us surprised then ??

I've honestly enjoyed this time off to regroup from school, take care of some personal things and gear up for a new role. But if I was the primary breadwinner we would be HURTING with a capital H. Two of the jobs I was offered would've passed me up by now b/c they needed someone by the end of January at the latest.

I will say that ANCC was very efficient in communicating with me once I called them. My test date went off without a hitch and then my certificate, communication with my state board, etc. all went very smoothly and professionally.

Specializes in Med/Surg ICU.

Can ACNP get certified through AACN also? If so, are they any quicker?

Specializes in ACNP-BC, Adult Critical Care, Cardiology.
Can ACNP get certified through AACN also? If so, are they any quicker?

The AACN does offer an alternative to the ANCC certification exam for Acute Care NP's. However, check with your state first before considering the AACN examination because some states have not recognized the AACN's "ACNPC" exam for state licensure. I would also assume that AACN would need to perform the same amount of scrutiny for each application filed to make sure the prospective examinee completed the approved number of clinical hours in the appropriate clinical settings and the program's didactic content meets the goals of ACNP training. I just wish the whole process could be more streamlined so future NP's do not have to wait so long to be certified.

Specializes in ACNP, ICU.

ANCC and AACN both offer certification for ACNP. Check to make sure it is listed as one of the acceptable certification boards in your state for the ACNP. In florida, it was not specifically listed. (though ive heard they will accept it)

I did not have any problems getting my registration for the exam through ANCC. They said I would get a letter conforming receipt of my packet and i did. That letter said the process takes 8 weeks. I studied during those 8 weeks and got my ok to test almost 8 weeks to the day.

I would take ANCC because it is more widely accepted AND you can get the AACN certification by endorsement, but not the other way around. That means 1 test, 2 certifications. It only works if you take the ANCC one first.

How did the exam go?? I did Fitz review also, and then am going through each subject listed on the ANCC test outline---using the Barkley book to do so. I'm very nervous about this exam!

How did the exam turn out?

hi, guys,

I just passed ANCC ACNP exam last week. I would like to sell my Barkley Acute Nurse practitioner certification review with CDs ( 2012). The book is acceptable condition and CDs are like new condition. There are a lot of pencil markd on the book and some pages fell because I used it a lot. There are no missing pages. I am asking $150 for whole package. If you are interesting, please e-mail: [email protected]

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