shocked @ email received

Nurses Relations


I got an email from a recruiter from another hospital TO MY WORK EMAIL!!! I have no idea how they got my email. I seriously only use it for work. I know that they have access to our emails and I don't want my current job to think that I am looking. I love my job and am not planning on leaving anytime soon.

Freaked me out.

We recently started having madatory work email. On the first week, we ALL got many emails from a penile enlargement company, and adult lesbian Mediaography video sales!

From someone who used to work in IT, I recommend you report any emails regarding Media or anything else that might be illegal to your IT staff.

The IT staff can block the sites that are sending those types of emails at the firewall. There's no need to waste bandwidth on that type of email. Also that's the type of site that you're likely to have malware attached to the emails.

I have a good friend who was working in IT as a systems administrator (i.e. the person who "holds the keys" to everything on the computer) when the FBI raided the IT department among other departments in the organization. They had suspicion that 1 employee was accessing or receiving child Media at work. IT was raided so the FBI could get all the backups that had been run on the employees computer. (It turned out that employee was accessing child Media from his home computer, but they didn't find anything on his work computer.)

It's better to report something that turns out to be nothing, than to not report something and have someone suspect you of illegal activity. The activity doesn't have to be illegal in your location. It could be illegal where the email originated.

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