How do you delegate to bullies?

Nurses Relations


I have seen threads before about the unit bully and it always seems to be a nurse. My unit bully is an LNA. I have only been an LPN for one year now and graduate next week so I will be an RN soon. This LNA sits on her rearend and talks on the phone and takes long breaks in other units without even telling anyone she left the floor. In the middle of passing meds, dealing with families, assessing patients and talking with doctors I find myself running around answering bells and fetching snacks while she is no where to be found. If a bell goes off and I have just sat down to chart and she is in the middle of American Idol, she makes snide remarks about how it must be nice to make the big bucks and get to use charting as an excuse to sit on our rearends. Anytime you try to delegate something to her, she always asks "well what are you doing right now?" Many nirses have complained to our boss about her and it gets nowhere. How do I go about delegating to an LNA like this?

Good advice here. Also, make sure your documentaion is factual only. Do not include any opinions or subjective info.

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