Difficult Delivery!

Specialties NICU


So by now I've heard of some pretty rough deliveries (having pieces of scalp being torn off by vaccums for example) but we have a term baby right now who definitely had a rough start...

Mom is 16 (Dad is 14... don't even get me started on that one...). Mom is diabetic. MDs didn't want to do C-section on such a young Mom. So instead, they end-up using forceps, and literally pulling the baby out. The poor baby (who by the way is >10lbs) ended up with a nice chunk taken out of her cheek from the forceps, brachial plexus injury on her right side, and a broken left humerous! Seriously....

All of that just to not do a C-section (No I dont' know the specifics on why they didnt' do a section... that could be a whole thread in itself...)

Our Neo who attendend the delivery said that the OB had their hands so far up, that it looked more like a calf birthing ... geez.

Anybody else seen anything like this???

Sometimes you wonder what these Drs are thinking!! I went on a CS where they couldn't get the kid out...pulling on this poor kids head like he was a doll....the worst part was he was only 4 pounds!!!!

We recently had a kid with a scull fracture from delivery...thankfully it wasn't born at our hospital...was just a transport. So sad.

The worst by far [also was a transport] was a term twin B whose mom refused a CS cause he was breech. That OB spend 45 min trying to get him out. He died...

The worst by far [also was a transport] was a term twin B whose mom refused a CS cause he was breech. That OB spend 45 min trying to get him out. He died...

Yes, there's a lot of controversy about c-sections, but when you need one, you NEEEEEEEED one.

Specializes in ob; nicu.

the worst one i ever saw was the pinky finger cut off by a scalpel during a section. twin gestation. baby only weighed 3 #, was vacuumed out. most of our c/s are ve assisted. sad.

Specializes in NICU.

I had a 29-weeker the other day who managed to turn herself from vertex to transverse in between last exam and pushing, and then got yanked out during the crash CS that followed, so she was BEAT up. By the time she got down to me she had b/l chest tubes, a crit of 24, K of 8.9, and all her labs were coming back hemolyzed even though they were off a UA... because her blood was hemolyzing INSIDE her. I have never seen a baby so bruised.

And surprise surprise, she's got a big ol' head bleed and PVL. And her brother's in the next isolette, on CPAP and eating.

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