Float Nurse info

Specialties Neuro


Specializes in ICU, PACU, ED, Peds.

What is the most important info you would want a float nurse to know working in your area? This would be a RN with at least 5 years experience in other critical care areas.

Thanks for your input!:redpinkhe

Specializes in Orthopaedics, ITU and Critical Care Outr.

Hi BJPeace

Good question. I've been working in NICU for over 1 year now. Ideally I'd want a float nurse (is that like bank or agency?) to be competent with ventilation, inotrope and vasopressor therapy, ICP monitoring and what to do with a patient with high ICPs, EVD management. Also an idea of medication typically used i.e. anticonvulsants, sedation, calcium channel blocker, etc.

However you'd learn very quickly on the job about ICPs, and it is very specialised - our unit would be grateful for anyone who could handle a ventilated patient let alone all the rest. There are usually less sick patients on the way to recovery that an agency nurse would be better equipped to care for.

I hope this is helpful, I'm sure there's more that other nurses can think of.

Good luck and I hope you enjoy it!

Specializes in ICU, PACU, ED, Peds.

Thanks for your help. I am working on an education book for our float pool. You've been a big help.


Ok, floater to Neuro, you will generally be assigned stable patients being weaned from the ventilator. Ask the charge nurse for any help zeroing or manipulating the ICP if you are unsure.

Have a good understanding of CPP and MAP. Low blood pressures that would be tolerated on other units are a problem for patients with elevated ICP.

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