Why are you and ICU nurse?

Specialties MICU


I am seriously considering ICU to start my nursing career because all of the wonderful things I have heard, and it is a challenging job, and I love to study and learn new things all the time. At the same time, it is a very stressing place to work and I don't know if that is a good thing for a new nurse. I would appreciate if I have some feedback from new nurses and experienced nurses :)

Hi, I am a new grad in the ICU. I'm currently in the last 2 weeks of a 3 month orientation and I love it. Of course I'm extremely nervous about coming off orientation but I've been praying about it and I study at home all the time. I have learned a wealth of info on orientation and I know I have so much more to learn. I'm so thankful I was selected for the ICU and I feel it fits my personality in the way that I am a very detailed and organized person and you have to be in the ICU. I'm super excited about continuing to learn and grow and help people to the best of my ability.

IheartICUnursing....good for you. I love your dedication and caring

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