HELP! Surgical Questions...PLEASE

Specialties Med-Surg


Hello, I am a student nurse and I need answers to a few questions...If anyone would please be kind enough to answer, PLEASE, I cannot find this info in any of my school texts, or online and I am stressed out, have a test tomorrow and have to study things I can't even find!!!!

1. Post-op Laryngectomy patient, surgical site is red and edematous, what is your first action? (instructor gave this hint..Post Op Patients will have Post-Op orders)

2. How do you take a patients temp who had sinus surgery? I figure it will not be orally, because patient needs to breathe through the mouth, but can you do it Tympanically? I figure rectally and auxillary, but I am curious as to if you can do it Tympanically also?

3.What should you expect with a Post-Op Sinus Surgery Pt.?

4. What kind of dressing will a Post-Op Pt. Have? I think they will have nasal packing and a bandage underneath the nostrils, is this correct?

5. Post-Op sinus surgery pt complains of tickle in throat, what do you do? All I could think is to check the throat for drainage/blood and report findings, is this correct, or is there more?

Please, please let me know if you can help, I am desperate here!

Thank you,


Ah, homework...I remember it well ~ gave it up once I graduated though.


I am sure that your med/surg book will have the answers you are searching for.

Hi, RN in CT, my med surg book is Adult Health Nursing, and the short description of sinus surgery and laryngectomy does not answer my questions at all. I am still searching the internet, but not coming up with much at all, If anyone can help me, please let me know, Thanks,


Do you have a Lippencott Manual? Good resource book.

Hi White Caps, thanks for the reply, No, I do not have the Lippincott Manual, but I will look into getting one if it will help me with this class, thanks for the tip :)


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