Johns Hopkins Residency question

U.S.A. Maryland



I recently moved here and have applied for several jobs with JHH, however I was rejected for all of them. It seems that one I applied for required a bachelor's degree and the other two required experience.

Does anyone know what the position is listed as for the residency? For example the jobs I applied for were "Nurse Clinician" and "Nurse IM Pace".

Any light anyone could shed would be great, thanks.

Yes, she did...never thought that would happen! I actually live close to Baltimore already. It's about a 25 minute commute for me. Actually, I would be interested in 5 days a week, 8 hours a day. So, RN's don't make the same there as they would somewhere else? Hmmm....that kinda wonky isn't it, lol?

Btw, JHH has not posted any new positions on their site lately.. Have you noticed that?

Yes, I did notice that too! Wonder why?

Well the Wilmer OR position is Pace Non-Holiday.. So the position offers about 2 dollars less per hour..

...departments : CSICU, Wilmer OR & Weinberg 4D

Did you have your interview for Wilmer OR yet, sbrownRN?

If so, how'd it go? :)

Did you have your interview for Wilmer OR yet, sbrownRN?

If so, how'd it go? :)

Yes, I did. I had it today. It went pretty well. I really liked it there...I could definately see myself adjusting to the 9-5:30 schedule since it would be conducive to my kiddos schedule.

I'm so anxious to hear something back from the CSICU. I'm thinking it probably isn't good since I haven't gotten any response.

My interview for tomorrow got cancelled :( Not sure why. The recruiter just said it was "unforseeable circumstances" and that they were unable to reschedule the interview. Bummer...

Sorry about the CSICU and the interview that would've been tomorrow :/

But on the bright side, you liked the OR :) Any indication of when she'll contact you or if there is another interviewee?

I haven't gotten a call about it yet.


Not really, I asked but she just sad she had one position and 3 applicants. She said her third interviewee was this afternoon, after me. I think I did ok on the ?'s, but I didn't exactly "shine" lol. Did two of her staff interview you also?

I wish you the best of luck! I hope either me or you gets the job.... ;)

It would be cool if both you and I get the job... we'd finally meet! haha

When I was there, she told me she had three applicants and two more positions to fill (so I figured one person would not be chosen)

And yes, I met Dee and Linda in their office before and after the share time.

I guess we will get phone calls tomorrow since all three of us have been interviewed for the position.

::So nervous:: but I guess the recruiter may offer to have me interview in other positions like she stated... I hope I'll have the chance if I'm not offered the OR.

Best wishes to you!

Well, maybe you filled the one already because there was only one left when I was there today!!! Whoohoo :) I hope it is good news for you!

Thanks for the positivity. I hope you get offered the CSICU regardless :)

I will need to distract myself as I have been since my interview LAST monday! lol

No kidding, that's a terribly long wait! Thanks for the well-wishes :)

I just spoke with the NR and she said that there is still another applicant... I'm confused. Our wait to hear back can be as far as Nov 7th since the position doesnt begin till Nov 28.

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