Checking Gtube Residual help

Nursing Students LPN/LVN Students


My patient has a g-tube and before i administer meds I have to check for residual. sorry if this has been asked before. I know that you pull back on the plunger but when I pull what if I meet alot of ressistance? this happened to me a while ago with my instructor I met alot of resistance does that mean anything? I remember she pulled hard and food came out, are you suppose to pull hard? Im so confused I dont know if thats right?

I did just do this it does take a little effort to get contents. Generally I'd think an instructor should know how much force to use. And you do need to know if there is residual feed in there. Now I'm assuming this is a formula we're talking about not solids.

Maybe someone with more knowledge than I have will post too.

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