Advice/tips needed for going into LTC job

Nurses LPN/LVN


:geek:Hello...I'm an LPN and have been working in a physician practice setting where we do minor surgeries in office for the past 4 years. I also do per diem pre-op/post-op for an eye surgeon.

My situation is I am currently interviewing for LPN positions in LTC facilities. The shifts that are open are 3-11pm and 11pm-7am. I am really nervous but extremely excited at the same time about the possible opportunity to change course and work in a different setting. My questions are to all of you more 'seasoned' nurses who work LTC. What should I expect? I have not done anything as far as sub acute care since my clinicals in nursing school which was 5 years ago. I am eager to learn, be trained, and refresh those skills I once learned in clinicals. How can I be a 'pleasure' to train by those who will be showing me the ropes? I certainly do not want to be a thorn in their side. I know that training new people is not the most fun thing to do. I want to make it enjoyable for them and me as well as getting all the skill I can out of the training. My absolute passion is nursing and I just can not tell you how beyond excited I am to take this leap into LTC from what I have been doing. Any help, tips/advice, etc you can offer me would be greatly appreciated. Also, I had my first interview today and I have 2 more at different places Thursday, and one more at another facility on Monday. I really hope someone takes me on and sees the value in giving me a chance to be trained. So many LTC facilities want someone who has at least a year of LTC exp, but if no one hires me how will I get that? :unsure:

I see that your interviews were a few weeks ago. What happened? Where you hired by any of the 3 LTCs that interviewed you?

Hi EMR*...thanks for your comment. Yes, I got hired 2 days after I made this post and I actually start tomorrow 4/4/16. I'll be working the 3-11p shift on the LTC side. I am really nervous but they said they are more than willing to train me with what I need to know since I haven't done anything in LTC except what I did in clinicals years ago. I'm excited but really anxious. LOL

Do you have any tips for me?

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