is the amount of time a nurse volunteer in a hospital be considerd as work experience

World International


i was asked many times if when they become r.n. and they are to volunteer in a hospital, for example 1 year can they put it on their resume as post graduation work experience? i really don't know the answer because i never yet gone through that situation yet, but i am curious also about it and i know there are a lot of knowledgeable nurses in this forum, so if possible any answers are fine with me,just so that i know what i can answer them if the topic is brought up again,thank you

It depends on the institution to which you are applying with..volunteer nurse is different from a regular staff nurse where every minute counts as working experience.

But let us rejoice to the fact that some hospitals do offer Certificate of Employment instead of cert's of training after volunteer work. Kudos to that hospital... That's along QC. lol :D:D

some hospitals do internal job postings first before they offer it to public.

Regarding the NARS Program of DOLE, does the program still exists as of this day?

Can a newly board passer like me (July 2010) apply to the NARS program? Thank you so much.


Its really hard to accept the fact that nurses here in the Philippines are being used and exploited, we earned our rights as professionals and we deserve to be treated as one. Hospitals that use NURSE VOLUNTEERS should be suspended by the Proper authorities. Using volunteer nurses to compensate for under staffing is a complete violation of a nurses constitutional rights, nurse volunteers should be compensated by any means necessary for the way I have observed it most nurse volunteers do most of the work than the regular staff. Am I right???:yeah:

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