Pulling PICC's

Specialties Infusion


I am interested in other nurses experiences in pulling PICC lines. I have had no problems so far, but would like to hear from other nurses and their problems solving skills. Thanks

Originally posted by Blue11RN:

I am interested in other nurses experiences in pulling PICC lines. I have had no problems so far, but would like to hear from other nurses and their problems solving skills. Thanks

I've only had trouble pulling PICCs that were placed in Radiology. For some reason they adhere to the wall of the vein more frequently. I'll do one of two things before I attempt to pull one placed by Radiology: 1. I'll flush the line with NS and hepartin first or 2. I'll wrap the arm in warm soaks for about 10 minutes prior to pulling the PICC. The warm soaks work wonderfully. Hope this helps.

I've pulled several and never had any particular problem except twice when then line would not come out due to internal venaspasm (spelling). Then we put the heat on it and counter pressure and out it came - but it took 4 hours for the spasm to relax. On the second time - the physician gave the man a glass of wine and after he was relaxed - out it came. Works for me!

Both cases were in young muscular men who knew they were to go home and we up and about getting ready to leave the in patient facility. So this could have caused some of the spasm. Both lines were also in the dominant arm which the guys were freely using to pack their suitcases. Hope this helps.


jo mitchell, RN, BSN, OCN, President

Coyote Enterprises

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