INR results might get me fired

Specialties Home Health


A patient is taking Coumadin every evening at 7p and INR is ordered to be drawn. Would the results be the same if the blood was drawn at 9am as it would be if drawn at 2p? I drew the blood at 9a but for some reason wrote 2p, the drop off time, on the lab slip. My supervisor said it could have been detrimental to the patient because time drawn is calculated in the results.

This brings up ideas for two fun posts:1). What's the lamest reason you've gotten for being fired? 2). What do you tell prospective employers when you've been fired for the lamest reason, ever?But I don't know what category to post them in. Here's some levity for you, bevt- to help you forget that stupid place:"There are TEN men at my door? Send one of them home- I'm TIRED!" -Mae West

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