So Scared!

Nursing Students HESI


Hi everyone

So I have to take the HESI A2 by April 9. I have not set my date to take it yet, as I am waiting for my registration to go through. But I am terrified. I have to take the grammar, vocab, reading comp, bio, chem, math, learning style, and personality profile. I am really scared for the bio, chem, and math, as I have not taken those since high school. I am studying out of the HESI Admission Assessment Exam Review (3rd Edition) book by Elsevier. I was wondering if anyone had any advice for me as to how to not be so freaked out and how to get a good score on this test so I can follow my dream of becoming a nurse. Thanks so much.

Start studying now!! Do not wait until the last minute. I just took it so it's still fresh. For the math brush up on fractions, ratios and proportions, household measurements and conversions, and basic math. Study the vocab words that are located in the vocab section of the hesi study guide along with the ones from the a&p section. There is a mix of those words in the vocab section. For my school I did not have to take the bio or chem sections so I can't help you there but take whatever test scares you the most first. Getting the math section out of the way was the best thing I did. Also time yourself when studyng or taking the practice test. It helps with time management since you are being timed. Good luck and let us know how it goes!!!

Also use the website Quizlet. There are a lot of quizzes and things on there to help you study .

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