sleeping problems

Nurses Stress 101


Hey Everyone,

I'm a fairly new nurse. I graduated in December '08 and have been working in the Medical/Cardiac ICU at my hospital for a year. I've been on night shift ever since I started (3 12 hour shifts/week). I wasn't having any issues whatsoever. For the past 3 weeks, I've had some issues. When I work 3 nights in a row, I have no trouble getting to sleep the next morning (at around 9 or 9:30), but I wake up at around 1 or 1:30 and can not get back to sleep. I end up going to the bathroom and just not falling back to sleep. I end up getting really anxious and frusturated, crying, etc. I've tried relaxing music, benadryl, tea, etc. The benadryl relaxes me, but I still just lay in bed with no sleep. I did travel out of the country about a little more than a month ago, and it might be a form of "jet lag", but I don't know what to do now. I'm also planning a wedding, which is kind of stressful. My job is also stressful. I've talked to my unit director about possibly switching to days (even though I don't want to), but it's going to be very hard for her to switch me. I'm going to my MD on February 22nd (the earliest I could get in). I'm just really worried that it could start effecting my patient care. Any thoughts or suggestions?

Specializes in medical surgical.

There are several factors involved here. You are planning a wedding, working nights in the unit (stressful), and possibly have jet lag. Did you sleep during the day or night on your trip? I think follow up with your doctor is a wise decision. It sounds like you may need more help than you alone can provide yourself. Good luck to you

I had serious sleep problems when I was paramedic working nights. The benadryl worked great for me as far as sleep goes but I would be a bit foggy when I awoke. The sleep issue resolved when I went back to working days only and did completely away with nights.

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