Nursing School Weight! Help!

Nurses Stress 101


Hi everyone! I just graduated NS and am taking the boards on 07/15. I am soooooo nervous. Before nursing school I weighed about 140 lbs and I am 5'5, I am comfortable at this weight. However 2 years later I am at 154 lbs. EEEKK!!! I can't believe I have put on this much weight!! I blame it on the stress and my tendency to overeat when I am stressed. I am hoping that after I take the boards this Tues I can focus on me and get my body back into better shape. I have tried weight watchers and almost every diet you can imagine. I was just wondering if there is anyone out there who has had a similar situation and what did you do?? Any tips on losing all this "nursing school" weight!! HELP!! LOL

Erika Ann

I'm starting Monday and not only am I scared about that in itself I'm scared about weight gain. I lost about 32 with WW but I know when I'm stressed I turn to pizza and everything else I love. UUUGGHHHH, I've been plannign ahead on what snacks I can take to school for the long hours. Those diet meal bars keep me satisfied for about 1/2 hour so that's no good.

The trick is bulk.

I take an apple (lot's of bulk..and banana's are fattening and loaded with carbs) and those Natures Sweet and Salty Almond bars. They are about 180 calories, packed with protein and extremely low in sugar.

I eat both of those and drink a propel water, and that holds me for 1/2 an afternoon.

Hey erika,

first of all congratulations! I definatly feel your pain, i am currently a second semester junior in my home stretch, but I noticed in the last 6 months for me i gained almost 30 pounds! Its very stressful, I don't haev much time to work out at a gym or anything right now. I have a job as well as school full time. I'm still working on it though hopefully I can get some more exercise in and that will solve the problem, but I think it's very common for us nursing students to gain a little extra weight! Good Luck with everything!

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