Max age for Army Reserve Nurses

Specialties Government


Specializes in He who hesitates is probably right....

Last year, while I was still a student, an Army recruiter came to our nursing school to speak with the class re: Army nursing. As there were more than a few second career types in the class, she informed us that the Army would take RNs to age 50. Is this the case? I am 47, and having a great deal of difficulty gaining a straight/consistent answer from anyone. Army recruiters in my area suggest contacting AMEDD, but that hasn't worked either. Any suggestions?

First, make sure you are talking to an AMEDD Recruiter. Secondly, I do believe they just upped the age. Remember, virtually everything is waiverable. The Army also gives back age if you have prior active service. I am in the process of going active duty and I am currently 48, will be 49 in May. I probably won't go active until about that time or Aug. I am waiting for my other waivers (age, previously retired, moving violations, and whatever else). I did get approved by the ANC Board so that is the most positive thing. I believe the waivers should be no problem. So, age shouldn't be an issue. I would say the sooner you get things rolling the better. In my case it will be 1 year since I first started talking and getting the ball rolling (started in Mar '06). I also had 4 years active duty AF.

The other thing to consider/plan for is that there is mandatory retirement at age 60. Again, there are waivers at that point (Army needs etc.). The reason that is important is if you plan to try and retire with a 20 year retirement. I had to sign a form stating that I understood that I may not get 20 years of active service. I had 4 years active and 16 Reserve/Guard.

If you do not have skeletons in the closet then you should go for it. Lots of opportunities.


Specializes in Med/Surg; Tele; Hospice/Homecare.

I was just commissioned in the Reserves and will be 46 this year. I am pretty sure the age for Army Reserves is 47. It's not impossible. I worked with a medical recruiter out of the Phoenix area and he was very helpful.

Specializes in paramedic 6 yrs./EMS field 9 years.

i have looked into this as well... i actually spoke with an active duty medic instructor from atlanta while doing my nursing clinicals . the same information was given to me. (age 50) if you find out anything on it or about the training requirements (basic) please share...i researched online but never found a straight answer either... i understand the army is very short on nurses

Specializes in Ortho, Med surg and L&D.
i have looked into this as well... i actually spoke with an active duty medic instructor from atlanta while doing my nursing clinicals . the same information was given to me. (age 50) if you find out anything on it or about the training requirements (basic) please share...i researched online but never found a straight answer either... i understand the army is very short on nurses


By training, do you mean the Officer Basic Course? If so, they are apparently switching to having both Reserves and Active Duty train OBC. You can find information about it here:


Specializes in He who hesitates is probably right....
i have looked into this as well... i actually spoke with an active duty medic instructor from atlanta while doing my nursing clinicals . the same information was given to me. (age 50) if you find out anything on it or about the training requirements (basic) please share...i researched online but never found a straight answer either... i understand the army is very short on nurses

I spoke to an AMEDD recruiting Sgt. this afternoon. According to him, the Army (and reserve) needs nurses, and they are willing to look at old goats like myself if we are in good health. Prior service knocks time off of your age (or something like that). I'll post any other information that I come across.

Specializes in paramedic 6 yrs./EMS field 9 years.

thanks for the the info:specs:

good luck with your studies.... i have always had interest in the military. as a young girl it just was not considered a choice. i have a son in iraq serving his second tour... son n law who is a Capt. and Commander..who served 2003-2004 and a daughter n law @ fort hood who served in iraq 2004/05.~ will you be deployed overseas following your training?

Specializes in paramedic 6 yrs./EMS field 9 years.

thanks for posting ~ i do not have any prior service... army reserve would be ideal for us older folks i guess! like you say the physical requirements may be a little hard...not sure if i can hit the floor and do 50 push-ups though:no:

i have never heard anything in alabama about the army reserve and nursing...

please do post more as u receive it!

Specializes in Ortho, Med surg and L&D.
thanks for posting ~ i do not have any prior service... army reserve would be ideal for us older folks i guess! like you say the physical requirements may be a little hard...not sure if i can hit the floor and do 50 push-ups though:no:

i have never heard anything in alabama about the army reserve and nursing...

please do post more as u receive it!


At 47 or 50 you will not need to do 50 p/u.

Here are the push up, sit ups and run times for the Army Physical Fitness Tests Min/Max for age range 47-51

PU 10/34

SU 32/66

2 min run 24:00/17:36

Good luck,


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