North Georgia Tech

U.S.A. Georgia


I was going to apply to North Ga Tech's nursing program until I found out they do not have the accreditation's. The school does, but not the nursing program. If you want to further your education and get a bachelors you will have a hard time finding a school that will accept credits form a non-accredited program. You will be suck with an associates degree and can only work In Ga. Does anyone else have any information on this? Why do non-accredited programs not tell you this up front!!!

I am about to graduate from there. We are the first class. There is no problem with us going for our BSN or getting jobs. We have had several bsn programs come and talk with us as well as hospitals.

Hi Kimmie! I applied to NGTC for fall of 15'. Do you mind me asking what day did you receive your letter and what your scores were? I made an 88.6 on the HESI but my GPA is only a 3.1. I'm so nervous!


could u tell me share with us how was your experience in the program? And what was your admission grade to get into the program? Any tips you can give me??

I appreciate it ...í ½í¸„

I got my letter June 1st. My GPA was a 3.8 and I made a 96 on the entrance hesi. It was very competitive the year I applied so you should be ok with your GPA and score!

My experience with the program was very good! It was a little unorganized but we just had to adapt as we went, since we were the first class. We graduated 29 last night!

Congradulations :) thanks for sharing!!

Hi, I wanted to ask you if you remember when your nursing orientation was? I am trying to get an idea because I will be traveling. Thanks:)

It was in August sometime! I think the first week.

I've been accepted to the Fall 2015 cohort. I thought they were seeking accreditation and would be receiving it this year??

Did you get into the program at NGTC? kittycatlove?

Hey kittycatlove! I see that you applied a couple years ago and stated your stats, but did you get in with those or did you have to retake anything? I'm currently waiting for the decisions for fall 17. I have over all gpa of 3.53, but all As in all mtgs and sciences and an 89 on hesi... just trying to ease my mind!! Any insight would be great!!! Plus, if you started a couple years ago, how is the program? Thanks again!!

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